Monday, July 8, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Malang per 8 Juli 2013

Posted by Unknown at 12:46 PM
PT Eka Agency Management
Posisi : Financial Consultant (Area Malang)
Persyaratan :
☑ Minimal D3 dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu
☑ Pria / Wanita
☑ Usia 21 – 35 tahun
☑ Pengalaman tidak diutamakan, fresh graduate juga diterima
☑ Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
☑ Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk sukses
☑ Menyukai tantangan dan ambisi untuk mencapai target
Kirim lamaran ke alamat :
Jl. Merbabu No. 29 Malang
e-mail :

PT Austasia Food
Position : HR & GA Manager
☑ S1 degree holder from any major
☑ Experience as HR&GA manager minimum 2 years
☑ Experience and knowleadgeable in HR&GA management
☑ Knowleadgeable in labor regulation and environment regulation
☑ Understand  ISO 9000 and ISO 22000 concept
☑ Strong communication and coordination skills
☑ Strong leadership and posses ability to develop and nurture direct reports
☑ Able to communicate in English well
☑ Willing to be placed in East Java, preferences is for candidates from East Java origin
☑ Only short-listed candidates will be invited for our recruitment process.
Please send your complete CV before July 27, 2013 to

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